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기독교 신앙으로 살아가기

Exodus 20:17 - Do Not Covet

  • Writing language: Korean
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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Covetousness is not simply wanting something, but wanting to take away what someone else has, and is like idolatry, wanting something more than serving God.
  • To overcome covetousness, we must be grateful and content with what we have now, and be able to be content in any circumstance with the ability God has given us.
  • Coveting your neighbor’s possessions is a violation of the Ten Commandments, and ultimately leads to complaints and dissatisfaction with what God has given.

1. Introduction

2. Do not covet

(2) Coveting, greed, is not simply wanting something, but wanting to take it away from someone else.

(3) It includes personal thoughts, actions, jealousy, etc.

(4) James 1:15: Greed → sin → death

(5) Colossians 3:5: Greed is idolatry

  • Adam and Eve sinned because they wanted to be like God.
  • After hearing Satan say, "You will be like God," when they saw the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, it seemed desirable enough to make them wise.
  • Coveting something is wanting something other than God.
  • Anything you want more than God can become an idol.

3. How can we overcome greed?

(1) We need to think about what we want on a regular basis.

  • The first thing you think about when you wake up, the thing you think about and do the most.
  • If it is something that is not related to God, it could be greed.

(2) The grace of contentment

  • We should be grateful and content with what God has given us now.
  • Our current situation is something that God has allowed us to have.
  • He gave it to us because we need it, and we need to acknowledge and be content with God's will.
  • Philippians 4:11: I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.

(3) Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

  • Whether we are in poverty, hardship, or peace, we have the ability to be content in any situation.

1. Remember the word

(1) Greed: Wanting something to the point of becoming a desire.

2. Meet the forest

(1) Do not covet your neighbor's possessions: Do not covet everything your neighbor has.

(2) Do not covet sexual or material things.

  • Your neighbor's wife, male servant, female servant
  • Your neighbor's house, field, ox, donkey

3. See the tree

(1) What are you always comparing yourself to others in? Appearance? Personality? Money? Grades? Your significant other?

(2) Greed is ultimately not being satisfied with what God has given us. It is complaining.

4. Bear fruit

(1) We should be thankful for what God has given us.

(2) While I envy what others have, others may envy me.

5. Walk the path – Be sure to fill this out with your students

6. Solve this with your students

(1) What is the 10th commandment? (You shall not covet your neighbor's house.)

(2) When lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

Jeongsu Park
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