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The Shorter Catechism 69 - What does the sixth commandment forbid?

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • The sixth commandment is not to murder, which means that we should cherish not only the lives of others but also our own lives.
  • Acts of suicide or self-harm are forms of abuse of oneself and violate the sixth commandment.
  • God created us as precious beings, so we must cherish ourselves.

69 Questions – What does the 6th commandment forbid?

(1) All that would unjustly take or harm our own lives and the lives of others.

(2) It is all about unjustly taking or trying to harm our own lives and the lives of others.

The 6th commandment is “Thou shalt not kill."

Who? Or what?

It's about me and others.

Through the words of the 6th commandment, God tells us to cherish not only the lives of others, but also our own lives.

It is natural to avoid harming others.

However, some people are indifferent to harming themselves.

Things like suicide and self-harm.

Abusing oneself, killing oneself, all these things are breaking the 6th commandment.

God made us precious beings, so why do we abuse ourselves?

We must remember through the 6th commandment that both I and others are precious.

Jeongsu Park
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